Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Oh Michigan!

Tonight we had no rain! We drove overnight from Blossom (bumps and detours; sleeping on the bus has its challenges) and found ourselves in 57 degrees, overcast weather. My lone Surfrider hoody is getting a workout! I had anticipated hot, humid weather. We are near Detroit, but are out in the country, and I got no glimpse of the Motor City. Interestingly, we are only an hour from the Canadian border and had a large number of concert goers from there. Again, most people who stopped at the booth already were aware of the problem with plastics and were taking actions listed on our pledge. It is very encouraging! What is discouraging is to learn that a lot of towns in these states still don't even have recycling programs (let alone curbside).
My volunteers were Tanya, a San Diego County transplant, and her friend Asher. They got to meet Jack, of course. They had spent some time reading about plastics and were more than prepared to discuss plastics with Jack's Michigan fans.
Tonight's set up and break down was easier since we weren't soggy. Another 15+ hour day under our belts, but we are all looking forward to a couple days off in Chicago.

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