Thursday, July 17, 2008

Save Trestles on Tour?

Inspired by the photo sent to us by Tour Bus Live of Eddie with the Save Trestles sign, I am going to be working on assembling other photos during the tour. Jack with a sign, Zach with a sign. The guys from Rogue Wave... Radiohead? We might run into them at the All Points West Festival in Jersey City. And photos with people from all over the country and Canada who care about Trestles to show that this is not just a local issue. Open space is a global issue.


1 comment: said...

Thanks! We were THRILLED that EDDIE came up with the idea to take the photo - we were outside the VH1 Rock Honors a couple hours before going in for the show, yet he was still VERY interested in saving our ocean and our waves! THANKS for getting together your photos of all the supporters!!!


Jill & Gary