Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Save Trestles!

I know this blog isn't about Trestles, but note my adoration of Pearl Jam (see blog entry "Best Night of My Life") and you will see why I am stoked about this photo of Eddie Vedder. Eddie's constant and continued opposition to the proposed toll road was one of the big reasons I thanked him for all of his support when I met him at Bonnaroo. The account of this photo comes to us from Jill and Gary of Tour Bus Live:


We are VERY involved in the fight against the toll road extension
through Trestles.

We are active mostly through Friends of the Foothills by manning booths
at San O or at the Farmer's Market in San Clemente, etc.

However, we are also avid music fans and attend many concerts.

YESTERDAY, we attended the VH1 Rock Honors The Who event at the Pauley
Pavillion at UCLA - where Pearl Jam performed.

Prior to the show, we were able to see Eddie Vedder - whom I asked to
attend the hearing on the 25th (before I knew it could be in jeopardy).
Sadly, he is booked and cannot attend. We
also gave him a "Save San Onofre" t-shirt my husband designed for the
FofF a few months ago - maybe he'll wear it somewhere and be
photographed in it.

In any case, he offered (it was his idea!) to hold our sign that we had
with us and pose for a couple of photos!

We are sending them out to all the organizations involved in the fight -
but you guys are first since it's your sign!!!!!!!!

PLEASE post this! We were THRILLED that he cared enough to do this.

By the way, which we're sure you knew about, Eddie did include a
two-page spread in his recent solo tour program about the fight against
the 241 extension AND he talked about saving
Trestles on stage during his concert when we attended in San Diego.

If you need photos of those pages of the tour program he printed, let us
know - we can send those off to you.

Jill and Gary